24: How to be magnetic in business
Be magnetic! Invite in feminine energy into your business.
23: How embodiment practices will reduce stress and anxiety with Claire Elvera Wu
You might have heard the word embodiment before. You might have wondered what it means exactly or maybe you know.
22: How to make over 6 figures in cash in the first 7 months with a small audience: 4 key TIPS
Recently I reconciled my accounts in my business. I looked at the income I had earnt in the last 7 months and I was amazed!
21: Lead Like YOU! in your business with Anne Koopmann
Did you know that being an entrepreneur and a business owner means to step into a role of leadership?
20: The 3 Tips for an abundant launch and no burn-out!
In this episode, I share 3 powerful tips on how to have a successful launch without burning out or feeling overwhelmed.
19: Why bringing the wisdom of Ayurveda is essential to your business & life?
Ayurveda and business? You might be thinking, “isn’t Ayurveda about health and nutrition”.
18: The power of letting go to birth a soul business with Joanna Cabot-Jossua from Holistic Ceramics
Are you looking for guidance to LET GO more and embrace your purpose? To embrace change and even welcome it? Well, this is what you need.
17: How to BE more and DO less while growing your business
Right now we live in a time where it is all go, go, go. We are consistently “on” and always plugged in.
16: How we need to embrace failure and reprogram our limiting beliefs for money flow in biz
The word “abundance”. One we all want more of, but have we actually defined what it means?
15: How to be ready for a serene expansion in 2022 (and my process to set up aligned intentions)
Welcome to 2022! Now I know it is always thought that we have to have our goals and intentions set as soon as it hits January 1.
14: 111 things that made 2021 incredible
We are heading into 2022 (can you believe it), so I thought it would be fun to do a reflection podcast this week to round off the year.
13: Boundary settings tips and tricks
Ahead of the Christmas break, I wanted to talk about boundaries and protection.
12: Pregnancy loss leading to self-discovery with Emma Irwin
Someone else’s words can be medicine for you. Never forget that. This is why I hold space for people to share their story and journey.
10: Recovering from depression by finding your community with Julie Punshill
The dark night of the soul, a period of time we might have all experienced on our journey.
9: Ayurveda and the 5 elements
Today we are diving deeper to the key principle of Ayurveda, which is called Pancha Mahabhutas - The 5 Elements.
8: Growing a business intentionally as a mumpreneur
I am calling all you mummas out there! This one's for you! I’m joined by the amazing mumpreneur Tracy Harris to talk mumpreneur.
7: Ayurveda and Rituals in Business
The introduction to Ayurveda and Sadhana...this is what you can expect in this episode!
6: Honouring your creative practice with Elena Brower
Do you have a creative practice? You know, the type of ritual, routine or something you implement daily that helps really spark that energy inside of you!
5: The sacred creative power of your Womb
I’d like to share with you a bit more about the importance of connection with your womb space as you invite creativity into your daily life